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Development Compliance / Project Management

So, you have your development approval, what do you do now? After receiving your approval, you now need to complete what is commonly referred to as development compliance.

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At Align we can assist our clients navigate their way through to plan sealing, or even to get to the building approval stage, as this process can appear daunting. Wondering what is development compliance? Check out a recent post in our learning hub!

Development compliance works can be broken up into two stages:


In the pre-construction stage, client’s will often be responsible for ensuring additional approvals are in place to allow for; a building approval to be issued, and construction to start, or plan sealing to occur (if you are undertaking a subdivision).

This includes applications such as; operational works (driveway approval, tree removal etc), plumbing and drainage (water fixtures, effluent disposal system etc), water meters and sewer connections. Clients are often not aware that such applications are required after you gain development approval, but before you can start construction. Align can manage or complete any additional applications to ensure you can begin construction or reach the plan sealing stage in a timely manner.

post construction

In the post construction stage, this is usually when clients are trying to either; get a final certificate of occupancy (issued by the building certifier when all works are complete) or plan sealing from the local Council.

It is also when most clients are holding the most debt and need to satisfy the final compliance issues to either settle on the sales, or move into their home. Align offers a service where we review each condition of your development approval to ensure all relevant approvals are in place.

If any approvals are missing, we will assist in sourcing the approvals to ensure a smooth process.

If you would like to see if Align can help you with your development compliance please contact us today!

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